Blogue d'actualite du blogue et d'ailleurs sur le Web... Blogue mémoire en ligne depuis 2003... Précurseur en son genre, ce "blogue de liens" existe depuis la nuit des temps (en âge blogosphèrique). À sa naissance il participa aux grandes lignes de l'infernale blogosphère, puis des remous virtuels le firent tanguer sans arriver à le faire sombrer. Il se retrouva en ces eaux paisibles d'où il vogue désormais sans peine ni tracas...

03 février 2004

Notes sur le blogging

Via Buzz Machine. Terry Teachout a publié 15 notes sur le fait de bloguer et tout n'est pas faux... Loin de là ;-) Extrait :

"4. The blogosphere is a pure market—but one in which no money changes hands. If you can afford the bandwidth and your ego is strong enough, it doesn’t matter whether anybody wants to read what you have to say. But the more you care about how many people are reading your blog, the more your blogging will be shaped by their approval, whether you get paid or not.
6. Blogging puts professionals and amateurs on an even footing. That’s why so many professional writers dislike and distrust it.
12. Art blogging will never be as popular as war blogging. More people care about politics than the arts.
13. Blogging is inherently undemocratic in one important way: it privileges literacy. Like e-mail, it is dividing the world into two unequal classes: people who feel comfortable expressing themselves through the written word and people who don’t.
15. An impersonal blog is a contradiction in terms."

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