"Quelques precisions : le bidule est en plein developpement, d'ou l'abscence
d'annuaire, de recherche dans les archives, et quelques bugs subsistants dans
les systemes de caches. Tout devrait être à peu près fini ce week-end..."
Blogue d'actualite du blogue et d'ailleurs sur le Web... Blogue mémoire en ligne depuis 2003... Précurseur en son genre, ce "blogue de liens" existe depuis la nuit des temps (en âge blogosphèrique). À sa naissance il participa aux grandes lignes de l'infernale blogosphère, puis des remous virtuels le firent tanguer sans arriver à le faire sombrer. Il se retrouva en ces eaux paisibles d'où il vogue désormais sans peine ni tracas...
Is it blog ad campaign for Skyblog french free platform targeted for teens?
Why when you do a "who is" about iPhone.org you see it's owned by Apple Computer Inc. and now redirected to iPod page. Is there something in the air for Apple with the new agreement with Motorola ??
A blog about the music instrument from Oceania: Didgeridoo.
A videoblog Java client to download for free if you use Blogger or MovableType: vBlog Central.
Via ABCNews article Blogging for Dollars:
According to Blogdex, a Web site run by MIT's media laboratory that tracks the fastest-spreading ideas in the blog universe, the site ConventionBloggers is currently the most linked site on the Web.
Suicide of a german blogger reader. You can read the contexte in German there.
Steve Garfield videoblogs live from Democratic National Convention in Boston.
Emmanuelle informs me there is a collective moblog of the convention at this address. Not to forget to follow the rather active moblog of Matt Welch.
More traditional, newsfeeds via "political" or opinion blogs is a ground occupied by Technorati Politics and Convention Bloggers.
My preference goes to this last one: we can see there the pics in the posts... And also, large quotes of the posts, very readable - like a traditional blog.