Blogue d'actualite du blogue et d'ailleurs sur le Web... Blogue mémoire en ligne depuis 2003... Précurseur en son genre, ce "blogue de liens" existe depuis la nuit des temps (en âge blogosphèrique). À sa naissance il participa aux grandes lignes de l'infernale blogosphère, puis des remous virtuels le firent tanguer sans arriver à le faire sombrer. Il se retrouva en ces eaux paisibles d'où il vogue désormais sans peine ni tracas...

25 mai 2003

@ Lis et lie
@ Sarajevo en ligne - les archives sont sauvees : "Les archives de Sarajevo Online - operation faisant l'objet de la presentation a BlogTalk - ont ete sauvees et enfin republiees. Les voici en ligne. A temps, comme jure, pour la presentation d'aujourd'hui.",
@ La Toile n'est pas un dictionnaire : "Je mets donc en garde tous les internautes de ce monde, la Toile peut etre une mine d'or, mais contient aussi beaucoup de pyrite. Ne tombez pas dans le piege d’y croire tout ce que vous y voyez. Meme les plus aguerris, semble-t-il, se laissent aller a la tentation...",
@ Mon jardin, votre jardin... : "Je peux bien croire que les blogs, en parallele avec nos vies, ont eux aussi leurs zones troubles, leurs recoins dangereux a l’ame. La vie est jonchee de tous ces petits pieges qui font basculer, je vois pas pourquoi les blogs y echapperaient…,
@ Prospecting for Gold Among the Photo Blogs : "Photo blogs are the colorful offspring of blogs, or Web logs, written diaries posted and updated regularly on the Internet. For a half-dozen years people have been posting text blogs to rant and to ponder the events of the day and the dust beneath their feet. Then, sometime in 2000, people started posting photographs to go with the text. The photo blog was born. Now photo blogs often are posted with no text at all. And there are thousands of them.",
@ Press, Blogs, and Security : "The blog doesn't seem the same as a press release (which would have been discounted) because its written for a different purpose and in my own voice. The blog has a readership, press releases don't have readers.",
@ Information Obesity : "How many phone calls, emails, voicemails, memos or stories do you have to go through every day? Probably more than last year. And probably too much. This article from the Sydney Morning Herald looks at this problem of information overload and how to deal with it. Here are some highlights...,
@ PageRank Is Dead : "Google has a really hard problem to solve. It's not unlike the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. PageRank stopped working really well when people began to understand how PageRank worked. The act of Google trying to "understand" the web caused the web itself to change. Blogs are only a recent example of that. Oddly, unlike many of the previous problems with Google (see also: search engine optimization companies; link spammers; google bombing), blogs were not designed to outsmart Google. They just happen to use the web and hyperlinks the way we should have been using them all along. Now they're being penalized for that, it seems...",
@ Towards Next Generation URLs : "For many years we have heard about the impending death of URLs that are difficult to type, remember and preserve. The use of URLs has actually improved little thus far, but changes are afoot in both development practices and Web server technology that should help advance URLs to the next generation."

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