Blogue d'actualite du blogue et d'ailleurs sur le Web... Blogue mémoire en ligne depuis 2003... Précurseur en son genre, ce "blogue de liens" existe depuis la nuit des temps (en âge blogosphèrique). À sa naissance il participa aux grandes lignes de l'infernale blogosphère, puis des remous virtuels le firent tanguer sans arriver à le faire sombrer. Il se retrouva en ces eaux paisibles d'où il vogue désormais sans peine ni tracas...

23 juillet 2004

Du pouvoir de la traduction pour le partage, Translation for sharing in weblogs field

Dans les commentaires de ce billet de Jeff Jarvis où comment l'importance des langues joue pour relayer des articles (et plus que des articles) dans le monde "majritairement" anglophone des blogs. Un commentaire intéressant de Suw :

"I fail to understand why there are snipey comments about the French here. The issue is not the nationality of the companies and bloggers involved, but about the languages barrier obscuring what is quite a serious problem. The fact is that 6A is an English-speaking company and people there may not understand what is going on in the French blogosphere because they don't speak French.

The blogosphere has a tendency to be monoglot English, (yes, I'm aware that's an understatement), but that shouldn't mean that the problems faced by non-English speaking bloggers are any the less relevant to the rest of us.

Every blogging company whose services I have used has had an awful record for communicating with their customers, (with the exception only of Blogware) and I strongly feel that 6A and the other blogging platforms need to address the concerns of their customers in a much more upfront, honest manner. Sweeping problems under the carpet - whether by means of the linguistic divide or any other - is not the way forward, and not just because people like Steph will always be around to act as bridges between blogospheres and bring these issues to wider attention."

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